So although I don't have any updates on the adoption front, I can tell you what we've been up to in the last few weeks. For starters, Kasey and I decided to take advantage of our last few months before baby, and ran away for a long weekend up to Carmel-by-the-Sea and Monterey. I have to say, if I'm being completely honest, that I am a bit sad that our fly by the seat of our pants, completely free lifestyle is coming to an end. However, the benefits (our beautiful baby boy, Maddyx) far out way the sadness! While in Carmel/Monterey we had absolutely gorgeous weather, great food and some much needed R&R! Our days consisted of waking up, eating, lounging in the sun, eating again, taking a nap, showering, eating some more and enjoying some great wine (for me, of course!) and beer (Kasey)! Sounds awful doesn't it? We returned home for just a couple of weeks and then got back on the road for a 5 day trip to Bryce Canyon, Utah for 4th of July with Kasey's family. We borrowed our friend's RV (thanks again!) and took off, with the dog, on 12 hour road trip! Now we're back home, back to work, and back to reality! This is it for us until our BIG trip (actually the biggest, most important, trip of our lives) to Korea to get our son! I'm wondering, is it to early to start packing?!?! Anyway, here are a few photos from our trip up north....
Oh, and I'm overdue for a quote. This one is from the book, The Way of Mastery...... If you're in need of an inspirational read to get you focused and on the right path, I would highly recommend this book.
"Love embraces all things, allows all things, trusts all things and therefore transcends all things....."
I came across your blog and wanted to say hi. I think our referral ( a different US agency but also with Eastern) is only a few weeks after yours. It looks like our timelines could be very similar. Also, we are in SoCal and I think you might be too! Maybe I'll be in Korea the same time as you picking up my daughter. Maddyx is so adorable and I hope you get to bring him home soon!